Understanding that there's no understanding of whatever appears
1m A: Sujin: It is an hindrance, wanting to understand, at the moment of wanting to understand, it hinders instantly. It works its way to hinder the understanding because of the wanting to understand, it's very subtle and quite tricky for lobha to always play, just wanting to understand is not the understanding. So at that moment many people are lured by such thinking, wanting to, and try so hard, even that moment it's accompanied by lobha, the hindrance. Lukas: How to understand without trying... S: How, again :)... It depends... Can you do that? If you can, please tell me how. Impossible at all. No way to think of how, otherwise the Buddha wouldn't have said after his enlightenment that he recognized lobha as the builder of samsara, the instructor of samsara. Just leave the thinking about "how?". "How?" is the self, trying so hard. Even you name it pakatupanissayapaccaya, it's just naming it, is dana pakatupanissayapaccaya, arammanupanis...