
Showing posts from June, 2024

It's there and then gone by conditions beyond any hope or any will

  Excerpt from the Dhamma discussion with Ajahn Sujin on Zoom on Sat June 15th 2024. [Alan] Nothing to be done because it's out of control. Each moment is there by itself, by its own conditions. So it's the relief of not having to do anything because there isn't anything, there isn't anyone. So, I can understand that intellectually. [A. Sujin] To have confidence of the truth, see, not just no understanding of what it is at all, but by understanding the truth, it let go clinging to it as before. Because what one likes so much, no more, it's gone, never to arise again. Little by little, gradually developing the understanding of the truth, can let go of the I, no one at all, nothing can be done because it's gone already. Just understanding, and understanding let go of craving because of not understanding the truth. What is that craving? It's a reality, again, to understand the nature of a reality which is there as it is, no matter it is anger or conceit or what