Kasina, the sign which is not people and things
[Little Hang] In vipassana if citta has concept as object then pañña can understand that it's not a reality, but samatha cannot distinguish between concept and reality... [A. Sujin] So at the moment of vipassana how strong pañña is there that it can understand what is there as it is. Even from the very beginning to the end, clearer and clearer and clearer, understanding the reality right now as it is, right now or anytime when it's strong enough, developed enough to realize the truth of what is there as no one. Otherwise it cannot be vipassana, the degree of understanding at level of vipassana, when there is still I or not understanding the truth as no one there at all. So, vipassana is not just being aware and beginning to develop the understanding of that as it is, but it is moment of unexpectedly realizing the nature which is not self, so clearly, beyond expectation, that's why it is vi-passana, clear comprehension or clearness of pañña, which understands the...