Chanda, when thinking that it's time to have dosa
(Excerpt from the EN-VN Dhamma discussion with Ajahn Sujin on Zoom - Sun Feb 19th 2023 pm - 2nd part -) 0:00 - Chanda, when thinking that it's time to have dosa [Tam B.] At moment of dosa the dosa dislikes the object but there is chanda, interest in that object, so maybe you can talk a little bit more about it. [A. Sujin] Sometimes, in some situations, there can be moment of thinking that it's time to have dosa because it has to be dosa, for example, Ukraine and Russia, what do you think about that? [Maybe that] one should have that moment of dosa, otherwise such and such would happen and so on, but in truth what is there, kusala or akusala? Is this the way to stop it, to remedy the situation? That's why understanding what is there, correctly, truly, is very useful to understand the truth of it, whether it's wholesome or unwholesome. 1:10 - Always forgetting that the truth is closer than any thing So, what is there, having dosa or understanding of the trut...