Vinaya, only those who follow its rules are Sangha
Vinaya, only those who follow its rules are Sangha Excerpt from the English Dhamma discussion with Ajahn Sujin on Zoom on Sat Feb 8th 2025. Edited and transcribed by Alberto Mp3 audio file: [One of our friends made the resolution that she would support a monk for the whole life, But later on, somehow she felt that the monk didn't live the holy life. So, I'd like to hear a comment from you.] [A. Sujin] Okay, supporting a monk, but when thatperson does not follow the rules, is he still a monk? [No.] So, she made the resolution to support the monkhood, not anyone in particular, is that right? [She was thinking of supporting the Sangha.] So, just support the Sangha, not personal, a person. So, anyone who follows the rules of the Sangha IS Sangha. Actually, Sangha means a group of monks, not just one person. When it's just one person, it's not Sangha, it's just bhikkhu, individual bhikkhu, not S...