
Showing posts from 2025

Vinaya, only those who follow its rules are Sangha

Vinaya, only those who follow its rules are Sangha Excerpt from the English Dhamma discussion with Ajahn Sujin on Zoom on Sat Feb 8th 2025. Edited and transcribed by Alberto Mp3 audio file: [One of our friends made the resolution that she would support a monk for the whole life, But later on, somehow she felt that the monk didn't live the holy life. So, I'd like to hear a comment from you.] [A. Sujin] Okay, supporting a monk, but when thatperson does not follow the rules, is he still a monk? [No.] So, she made the resolution to support the monkhood, not anyone in particular, is that right? [She was thinking of supporting the Sangha.] So, just support the Sangha, not personal, a person. So, anyone who follows the rules of the Sangha IS Sangha. Actually, Sangha means a group of monks, not just one person. When it's just one person, it's not Sangha, it's just bhikkhu, individual bhikkhu, not S...

Saddha, the reality which is clean and purifies that which arises with it

Excerpt from the English Dhamma discussion with Ajahn Sujin on Zoom on Sat Feb 8th 2025. Edited and transcribed by Alberto Mp3 audio file: Citta is dirty at any moment of ignorance or attachment or aversion [As Buddhists, we use that word, saddha, I would like Ajahn to explain more about saddha, what it means. Thank you.] [A. Sujin] Usually, even if we didn't hear the Teaching about the truth of what is there at all, we would still use the term that we use for saddha. See, and if you never heard about the Teachings at all, would you have heard the word saddha? See, no such word at all, if we hadn't studied the Teachings, about the truth. So, saddha is a reality, but so many wholesome realities or cetasikas are there, different ones. So very subtle differences between each one. That's why at the moment of kusala arising, there are so many mental factors or cetasikas arising. Each performing its function....

Kilesa, beginning to understand about no understanding of what is there

Excerpt from the Dhamma discussion (En-Hi) with Ajahn Sujin on Zoom on Sat Dec 21st 2024 (Part 1). Trascribed by Jiw, reviewed by Alberto. Mp3 audio file: [A. Sujin] When there is understanding of what is there as it is, then no doubt when one comes across what is taught by the Buddha: different kilesas (defilements). So, now, what does kilesa mean? Is it real? Right now! To be truthful to the truth, beginning from what is there now. What is there is not known, so what's the use of just learning from the books about what is there now when it is not known? But when it is known then there is no doubt about the words in the book. So, is there kilesa now? It's there to be know, right? Or is it not there now? How much of understanding of the truth right now? Not just listening, understanding, and then no thinking about what is there right now, whether it's about what we have been talking. So, it’s not one’s ...

The mirror of the Dhamma for seeing one's own nivāranas

Dhamma discussion (En-Hi) with Ajahn Sujin on Zoom on Sat Dec 28th 2024 (edited). Mp3 audio file: Nivārana, the moments of dwelling in ignorance [Akhil] Nivāranas are kilesas. [A. Sujin] We are learning about the truth of what is there, to understand the nature of what is there, as the Buddha has enlightened. All are dhammas and all are anatta, all dhammas are anatta. Learn just to let go of the ideas about nivārana. I have nivārana, right? Or no one, just nivārana! That's why, learn to let go of the clinging to that which is there right now, to understand what it is. It's there now, right? As it is, but no one knows. So, how can there be the letting go of the idea: I have nivārana? How many nivāranas are there? And when it's there, can there be the understanding of it? Not just of the word! Even now we are talking about nivārana, but even it's there right now, it's unknown. Or learning to unde...